Don't Go in the Woods (1981)
Directed by James Bryan
Written by Garth Eliassen
Starring Jack McClelland, Mary Gail Artz, Tom Drury
Release Date November 21st, 1981
Published June 5th, 2024
Don't Go in the Woods... alone is the classic on the I Hate Critics Movie Review Podcast dropping on June 5th. It was chosen by my c0-host, Jeff Lassiter, a horror movie expert. I mention Jeff because I need you, dear reader, to know that I would never want to watch and write about a movie this bad, Jeff is making me do this because this is part of how we promote the podcast. Blame Jeff.
Don't Go in the Woods... alone is a 1981 slasher movie about a crazed maniac in the wood who kills anyone in his path. He's crazy and he's super strong and can strike like a ninja despite being a clearly 300 pound man who probably smells like the underside of a dumpster. This is a movie that asks us to believe that a man wearing animal skins, beads on his head, and who is monstrous in size, has the stealth of a cat at night. This is one of many failures of basic comprehension of reality that Don't Go in the Woods... alone, gets wrong.
Find my full length review at Horror.Media, linked here.