Loren and Rose
Directed by Russell Brown
Written by Russell Brown
Starring Jacqueline Bissett, Kelly Blatz, Paul Sand
Release Date January 28th, 2025
Published January 30th, 2025
Loren and Rose is a movie that loves movies. The film, written and directed by Russell Brown, uses the story of a down on her luck former movie star, played wonderfully by Jacqueline Bissett, to poke at how Hollywood treats actresses after a certain age, while also indulging his love for Hollywood classics. Loren and Rose contains visual references to Citizen Kane, vocal allusions to Casablanca, and the film itself is an homage to the brilliantly experimental, 1981 movie, My Dinner with Andre with a Hollywood spin.
It’s been years since Rose (Bissett) has been a Hollywood sensation. After a few years at the top of cast lists with her name up in lights, Rose was cast aside by Hollywood for the crime of entering her forties. This, plus a few poor business decisions, and a quirky personal life, led Rose to take whatever role she could find. This means a lot of low budget horror, well beneath the dignity of a former screen icon.
Click here for my full length review at Geeks.Media, linked here