Showing posts with label Roman Polanski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roman Polanski. Show all posts

Classic Movie Review Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby (1968) 

Directed by Roman Polanski 

Written by Roman Polanski 

Starring Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon, Ralph Bellamy

Release Date June 12th, 1968 

Published September 10th, 2017 

Rosemary’s Baby is one of the most sneakily ingenious psycho-dramas ever made. Director Roman Polanski, a quite correctly demonized figure today, was a masterful director in his day. In Rosemary’s Baby, arguably his finest film, Polanski uses film technique and his unique sensibilities to take seemingly normal and mundane things and use our perceptions of those things against us. The most obvious and blatant of these mundane things is using the elderly as the film’s villains, especially the grandmotherly Ruth Gordon.

Rosemary’s Baby is set in New York in 1965. Rosemary is an aspiring housewife to Guy (John Cassavetes), an actor looking for a big break on Broadway while making a living as an actor in commercials. Rosemary and Guy have just landed a beautiful new apartment in a venerated old building with a very creepy history. According to a friend, the building was the home to several disturbing deaths and rumors of occult activities.

This, however, does not put off Rosemary, at least not until she meets the neighbors. Minnie (Gordon) and her husband Roman (Sidney Blackmer) seem like the doting grandparent types by the look of them but when they begin to force their way further and further into the lives of Rosemary and Guy we completely understand why Rosemary feels as uncomfortable as she is. Roman, by some luck, is a producer and when Guy begins spending more time with him his career begins to turn around.

Meanwhile, the couple is trying to get pregnant and here is where Polanski pulls off a really neat and disturbing trick. In what seems as if it could be a dream, Rosemary finds herself slowly beginning to pass out and dream that she is on a yacht with friendly people having a nice time. However, the edges of her dream seem to be tearing away and a bizarre sort of reality is seeping into the fantasy, a dark disturbing reality that finds a nude Rosemary tied to a bed in a room full of nude old people and her freaked out husband. She is then raped by the Devil himself, a cloven hooved demon who climbs on top of her while the old folks chant creepily.

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Movie Review The Ghost Writer

The Ghost Writer (2010) 

Directed by Roman Polanski 

Written by Robert Harris, Roman Polanski 

Starring Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, Olivia Williams, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Hutton, Jon Bernthal 

Release Date March 3rd, 2010

Published March 9th, 2010 

Director Roman Polanski will be forever colored by the crime he committed that drove him out of America. His conviction on charges of statutory rape, he had sex with a 13 year old girl, will forever stain his reputation and whether he ever returns to America to face justice or remains in exile somewhere in Europe he will leave behind a tarnished legacy and a lifetime of movies that might have been.

Because of his crimes many people will forever avoid his movies as a form of protest. Those who make that choice will be the least for it as despite his crime Mr. Polanski remains a master behind the camera. The latest example of his genius is the political thriller The Ghost Writer starring Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan.

Former British Prime Minister Adam Lang has one of the most anticipated memoirs in the publishing industry. His controversial time as Prime Minister, encompassing the height of the war on terror, his good looks and charm should lend itself to a terrific story and a grand slam bestseller.

Unfortunately, the book stinks and the Prime Minister's original ghost writer, a longtime aide, has died. The book is a shambles and a major fix is needed. Enter The Ghost played by Ewan McGregor, an author for hire who specializes in puffery and wordplay. He will sit with the PM and uncover some details that might turn the book into the bedside reader that publishers look for.

While things begin rather simply, the job of the ghost takes a sinister turn when the former PM is charged with war crimes and he is pressed by his bosses to control the story and keep it all for the book. What the ghost discovers is linked to the fate of the previous ghostwriter, the CIA and the PM's wife, played brilliantly by Olivia Williams.

The plot of The Ghost Writer is intricate and endlessly clever. Roman Polanski adapted it from the work of author Robert Harris who modeled the fictional story on real life British Prime Minister Tony Blair with whom Harris was once close. When Blair began working closely with President Bush, Harris turned and The Ghost Writer was born.

The veiled attack on Blair hovers over the thriller story of The Ghost Writer and the real life conceits serve as a sort of magic trick to distract audiences while Polanski and Ewan McGregor work the thriller aspect for smart, tense and even humorous scenes.

This is a master at work, intriguing us with asides while leaving us gasping with plotting, pace and dialogue. The Ghost Writer is relentless in its smooth pace and enthralling storytelling. McGregor is well matched to the role of the clueless ghost who comes in with no interest in politics and finds himself immediately out of his depth.

Olivia Williams is the standout of the superb cast. Playing the jaded, jilted politician's wife she begins a tense and sexy flirtation with the ghost all the while hiding secrets that nag at the back of your mind until their superb payoff. Pierce Brosnan hasn't been this good since his clever turn in 2005's The Matador. Brosnan combines Tony Blair's boyish energy and charm with an undercurrent of menace.

Kim Cattrall rounds out the cast as Brosnan's loyal aide and likely mistress. The relationship is left tantalizingly off-screen while she flirts with McGregor's Ghost in one of many smart, funny, sexy subplots that keep the audience off balance and searching for clues to the big bad behind all the trouble.

Murder, mystery, sex and politics what more could one ask for in a good thriller. With Roman Polanski behind the camera everything comes together under the eye of a master filmmaker who knows just what buttons to push to keep an audience engaged and grasping for the next clue, the next revelation and the final gut punch finish. Some will find the ending of The Ghost Writer unsatisfying. I feel it was the perfect finish and really the only way this story could end.

Put aside Roman Polanski's crime if you can and you will find The Ghost Writer to be a fantastic movie going experience. A brilliant thriller from a brilliant director who has maintained a mastery of filmmaking even as his personal life has been an absolute disaster.

Movie Review: The Pianist

The Pianist (2002) 

Directed by Roman Polanski 

Written by Ronald Harwood 

Starring Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay, Emilia Fox 

Release Date September 25th, 2002

Published September 24th, 2002

I have not enjoyed much of Roman Polanski's work. I found Rosemary's Baby to be somewhat tedious and his "comedy" Bitter Moon--with a naked Peter Coyote--is far more horrifying than anything in Rosemary's Baby. I put my preconceptions about Polanski aside as I sat down to watch his Oscar-nominated work The Pianist and found it to be a profound experience.

Adrien Brody, excellent in Spike Lee's highly underrated Summer Of Sam, is Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Jewish pianist who makes money playing Chopin on Warsaw radio. That is, until one day as he is playing, bombs begin to fall and the beginning of World War II overtakes Szpilman's life and that of his family, mother, father, brother, and two sisters. We do not learn much about Szpilman's family except that they are rather typical, loving, bickering, and loyal. As the Nazis overtake Poland, the family is forced from their middle class home and crowded into the small Warsaw ghetto.

The scenes in the ghetto near the beginning of the war are a shocking and brutal sight of people starving and dying in the streets and Jews turning against Jews. Even as some Jews die in the streets, Wladyslaw finds work playing piano for an affluent group of Jews who were able to hold onto enough of their wealth to eat in a cafe with little concern for their brethren who starve in the streets.

Of course, even the affluent would soon learn that no money can save you from blind hatred and, in a short time, all of Warsaw's Jews are loaded on trains and shipped off to the death camps. Wladyslaw escapes the fate of some six million Jews who died in the gas chambers, when a Jewish police officer pulls him off the train and sends him to hide in the ghetto. With help from the Polish resistance Szpilman, spends a good deal of the war hiding in silence behind locked doors. In a poignant and moving scene, Szpilman is hidden in a flat with a piano he cannot play but he mimics playing above the keys and hears the music in his mind.

Most of the film is simply Szpilman, moving from hiding place to hiding place while witnessing history happening around him. He witnesses the Warsaw ghetto uprising, where a group of Jews who were saved from the gas chamber so that they could be employed as laborers, stole guns and fought the Germans for three days before being out-manned and outgunned.

Near the end we do see Szpilman, play the piano again and it is a heartbreaking moment as he seems to have forgotten how to play but quickly picks it up again, and by the end has brought the piece a whole new meaning simply with the courage it took for him to play it. (I'm not familiar with piano music well enough to know what the piece was called but it was very beautiful.) Adrien Brody is truly outstanding in The Pianist.

The Pianist is a very good film. The film is very depressing at times and I mean life-force-sucking, what-point-is-there-to-life-when-there-is-such-cruelty-in-the-world depressing. The subject matter certainly indicates that. Nevertheless, this is a very well made drama about a man who wasn't heroic or necessarily brave. Most of the time he was just lucky. It is rather unique to see a story told from the perspective of a character who isn't an active participant but rather is merely a witness.

Movie Review The Monkey

The Monkey  Directed by Osgood Perkins  Written by Osgood Perkins  Starring Theo James, Tatiana Maslany, Christian Convery  Release Date Feb...