Showing posts with label Ken Davitan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ken Davitan. Show all posts

Movie Review Meet the Spartans

Meet the Spartans (2008) 

Directed by Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer

Written by Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer

Starring Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Ken Davitan, Kevin Sorbo

Release Date January 25th, 2008

Published January 25th, 2008

Say, did you hear the joke about the movie 300? ? ? That's the joke. I mentioned the movie 300. Why aren't you laughing? I said the name of a movie that you likely saw in the past 2 years. According to the creators of movies like Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans and the upcoming Disaster Movie, merely saying the name of a popular movie and dressing characters to look like people from those movies is the height of satire.

Let's try it again: Stomp The Yard? Are you laughing yet?

Is Meet The Spartans a movie or just a really bad costume party? I guess since they filmed it and edited it, they can call Meet The Spartans a movie but when they call it a comedy, that is where I draw the line. No. To call your movie a comedy, it must elicit laughter and not one singular moment of this alleged spoof elicits even a chuckle. Not a titter or even a modest half smirk. This witless movie karaoke comes from creators who must feel that just mentioning a movie made in the past 2 years is funny. I have an idea, let's try this... Spiderman 3.

Anyone laughing? I said Spiderman 3? Nothing? Not funny? If you don't laugh at my writing the words Spiderman 3 I doubt you will laugh during Meet The Spartans which dresses up like the characters from 300 and then names off a number of other movies expecting us to laugh, I guess, because they mentioned these other movies and maybe offered a minor exaggeration of a scene from that movie. They don't always offer the exaggeration.

Oh, it's not just the witless mentions of other movies that supplies the supposed humor of Meet The Spartans, also add a copious amount of gay jokes, vomit jokes and fart jokes, all just under the wire of the PG 13 rating. Meet The Spartans is the ultimate in teen focus group marketing "Say you know what kids like, let's put all of the movies they saw in the last year in the same movie and then add gay jokes. Brilliant!".

No, not brilliant. Not even remotely clever. Brutal comes to mind. Offensive? Definitely. But not brilliant. Not by a longshot. If last year's Date Movie and Epic Movie were the bottom of the barrel in terms of spoof movies, Meet The Spartans is an example of what happens when someone lifts up the barrel and scrapes out what is underneath into a film can.

Movie Review Get Away if You Can

Get Away if You Can  Directed by Dominique Braun, Terrence Martin Written by Dominique Braun, Terrence Martin Starring Ed Harris, Dominique ...