Showing posts with label Cutter Hodierne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cutter Hodierne. Show all posts

Movie Review Cold Wallet

Cold Wallet 

Directed by Cutter Hodierne 

Written by Cutter Hodierne, John Hibey 

Starring Raul Castillo, Josh Brener, Melonie Diaz, Tony Cavalero

Release Date February 28th, 2025 

Published February 24th, 2025 

One thing I cannot do is find any sympathy for people who bring about their own bad circumstances. For instance, I have no time for people who die climbing Mount Everest. If you’d like to not die on the side of a frozen mountain, choose not to go. Pretty simple. I feel the same way about people who lose money in crypto scams. If you want to avoid losing money in Bitcoin or whatever, don’t get into Bitcoin or Crypto. I’ve managed to not get into crypto for its entire existence, thus I have not lost money on it. Pretty simple. 

I mention this because the movie Cold Wallet was up against a lot to get me to care about people who lost money in a cryptocurrency scam. The movie pulls off quite a trick because it never bothers to ask you to like its main characters. By the time you reach the end of the movie and the main character is met with a moral crisis, it’s surprisingly compelling, even if you have no idea what the character is about to do via some sort of internet exchange of currency.

Find my full length review at Geeks.Media, linked here. 

Classic Movie Review Houseguest

Houseguest  Directed by Randall Miller  Written by Michael G. Di Gaetano, Roger Birnbaum  Starring Sinbad, Phil Hartman  Released January 6t...