Showing posts with label Steven Zaillian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steven Zaillian. Show all posts

Movie Review: All the King's Men

All the King's Men (2006) 

Directed by Steven Zaillian

Written by Steven Zaillian 

Starring Sean Penn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Anthony Hopkins, James Gandolfini, Mark Ruffalo, Patricia Clarkson, Jackie Earl Haley

Release Date September 22nd, 2006

Published September 22nd, 2006 

In late 1930's Louisiana writer Robert Penn Warren fell under the spell of the charismatic, larger than life Governor, Huey P. Long. Long's passionate, man of the people rhetoric, his complicated almost amoral lifestyle and his tragic death, were all the inspiration Warren needed to write his masterpiece novel All The Kings Men.

The book won the Pulitzer Prize and was adapted to the big screen in 1949 where it went on to win Best Picture. More than 50 years later All The Kings Men has once again been adapted to the big screen and while it features a fiery performance from Sean Penn, the film is a catastrophic failure. Made with the intention of winning an Oscar, the film could be a parody of the corruption of its own creation with Sean Penn's Willie Stark character standing in for greedy producers eager for awards glory.

Willie Stark (Sean Penn) was a true man of the people. His first foray into politics was fighting to make sure the local school was built by the best contractors with the best materials and not by friends of the local politicians in his small corner of Louisiana. When his fight failed his career as a politician seemed to have ended with it but when the school collapsed and four kids were killed, Willie Stark went from down on his luck salesman to crusader for truth and justuce and soon a potential candidate for Governor.

Reporter Jack Burden (Jude Law) was among the first to see Willie's man of the people earnestness and be struck by the rarity of an honest politician. He first met Willie during the fight for the school but became forever entwined with Willie after the school collapse and the beginning of Willie's improbable run for Governor.

Willie's political education began on that first run for governor when he finds that he is merely a patsy candidate meant to divide the electorate and help a more prominent candidate win office. His disillusionment turns to determination and by the time of the next election Willie knows how this corrupt game is played and sweeps into office a conquering hero of incorruptibility.

Of course, Willie was quite corrupt by this time and once in office with the mandate of his people his corruption comes to full flower. Jack Burden, having given up journalism, joins Willie's staff as a top political fire fighter and while he is hurt by Willie's fall from grace, he is merely a witness. That begins to change when politics calls for Jack to use his influence on an old friend of his family, Judge Irwin (Anthony Hopkins). Willie needs Judge Irwin on his side to avoid impeachment and it falls to Jack to find dirt on the man he once considered a father figure.

Jack's conflicting loyalty to Willie and to Judge Irwin is the thrust of the final act of All The Kings Men a surprisingly lackluster drama from writer-director Steven Zaillian. With pretensions of greatness, Zaillian crafts All The Kings Men as if just making the movie were enough to warrant huzzahs all around. The film is so full of its own value that James Horner's score is like a thundering Greek chorus of 'see how important we all are' hyperbole.

The problems with All The Kings Men extend from Zaillian's lackadaisical direction to the cast of all stars who are often just not suited for the material. The most glaring example is Jude Law who, as Jack Burden the movie's narrator and dramatic center, struggles with keeping his natural good looks and charm out of the role of a burnout cynic and struggles, far more mightily, with a brutal Louisiana drawl. Law's Jack Burden is a cypher, milling about the movie searching for a purpose beyond merely providing exposition.

Jack is the audience's eyes and ears and yet he seems to miss so much. As Willie Stark is becoming more and more corrupt we want to see the smoky back rooms and the shady deals. Instead we are stuck with Jack and his dull subplot involving old friends played by Kate Winslet, also poorly cast as a Louisiana aristocrat, and Mark Ruffalo. Though the subplot becomes important late in the film, its relevance early on is poorly established and distracting.

Regardless of the films many flaws Sean Penn is electrifying in All The Kings Men. His fiery passion explodes in fits of righteous rage that are at times inspiring and lamentable. As he was on the rise Willie Stark's outrage made him seem as if he indeed could end corruption in all government. However, once elected and educated in how the gears of politics turn, Willie's inflammatory rhetoric became cover for his own corruption. This is the one effective element of an otherwise disappointing melodrama.

All The Kings Men boasts a cast of respected actors and Oscar winners, including writer-director Zaillian himself, yet somehow all the starpower on the screen and behind the scenes never manages to turn the movie into anything more than an extravagant demonstration of how much a studio will pay to win an Oscar. All The Kings Men is like a machine crafted to win awards with little regard to whether it was deserving of any honor.

Sean Penn is passionate to the point of almost eating the scenery but his fiery oratory skills are the only reason to see All The Kings Men an otherwise lifeless excercise in failure. Remakes are often mere reflections of the original and this new version of All The Kings Men is a perfect example of reflected glory. The movie takes the shine of the respected work of writer Robert Penn Warren and the Oscar winning 1949 film and simply mirrors it.

The cache of the original glory and an all star cast cannot hide the slapdash quality of Steven Zaillian's All The Kings Men, a movie machine cynically crafted for critical applause.

Movie Review: American Gangster

American Gangster (2007) 

Directed by Ridley Scott 

Written by Steven Zaillian 

Starring Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Clarence Williams III, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Cuba Gooding Jr 

Release Date November 2nd, 2007 

Published November 1st, 2007

The story of Frank Lucas could have found this enterprising, intelligent man as CEO of a fortune 500 company. The man knew how to run a business. He was a retail pioneer at heart who figured a way to cut out the middle man and bring his product directly from the manufacturer, no middle man. He sounds like an electronics dealer with his own chain of wholesale retailers.

The reality, captured in fictional form, in American Gangster is that Frank Lucas was a drug dealer and a murderer who coldly and heartlessly killed hundreds with his product and more with his own gun.

As the driver for legendary Harlem gangster Bumpy Johnson (Clarence Williams III) Frank Lucas learned the business of being a gangster up close and personal. When Bumpy died the city fell into a chaos of crime and violence and Frank Lucas longed to bring back Bumpy's sense of order and profit from it as he did.

Finding a way to get heroin without having to share with the mob and the NYPD, Frank went all the way to Vietnam to get his product which was then smuggled into the country in the coffins of US soldiers returning from the war. The result was a more pure and addictive form of heroin that Frank nicknamed Blue Magic. With his product in place Frank brought his brothers up from North Carolina and the Lucas empire was born.

Unraveling the tangled web of the Lucas drug trade is Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe). A lone good cop in department overflowing with corruption, Richie never took a dime, even when he and his partner stumbled on a million dollars of easily stealable drug money. It's good that Richie has his professional integrity because he has little else. His wife is leaving him and taking his son while his personal life consists of a series of mindless one night stands.

The collision of Frank Lucas and Richie Roberts was inevitable how it arrives and plays out in American Gangster is entirely unpredictable if you haven't already investigated the rise and fall of Frank Lucas. Indeed, Frank was for real. His reign in Harlem lasted nearly a decade. He once had more than 150 million dollars in cash stored in his home. He also murdered enemies in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses and was not caught.

Richie Roberts was also for real and the the path of his life through this film is fascinating and the prologue hints that even after getting Frank Lucas his life was colorful and unique. As played by Russell Crowe, Richie Roberts almost steals the picture. Crowe's Richie isn't your typical meatheaded tough guy roughing up suspects to get the information he needs to get the bad guy. Richie was a law student and eventually a prosecutor. He was a thinking man's detective even as he put forth a tough guy front.

This character could not be better suited to Russell Crowe who has played Nobel prize winner John Nash and fictional Gladiator Maximus, each to Oscar level. Don't be surprised if his Richie Roberts gets called on the morning of the Oscar nominations.

There was recently quite a heated debate at over director Ridley Scott. A writer for the site wrote that he felt Scott is overrated as a director. He cited his examples and made some strong points about Scott's resume, which I agree, is somewhat inflated. However, after watching American Gangster I am convinced that Scott is an auteur of the highest order.

Fighting for two years to get American Gangster on the screen, Scott battled studio heads to get his vision of the film as the final product and he succeeded. This is top notch work that plays to Scott's strengths as a director of epics like Gladiator and Alien. Say what you will about Scott's many failings, his American Gangster is a modern film classic.

American Gangster can fairly be called Ridley Scott's Godfather. It is the height of his work thus far and it reflects everything he has accomplished including his earning the loyalty and trust of two of the finest actors of this generation. If Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington love Ridley Scott that's gotta mean he's doing something right.

Denzel Washington remains the king of cool in Hollywood. No one could have played the role of Frank Lucas like Denzel does. The charisma, the elegance, the cold steely intelligence rolls off the screen in waves when Denzel is on camera. His work is so effortless I worry that people will call the performance lazy. There is none of the histrionics of his Oscar winning performance in Training Day , none of the harrumphing bravado that announces a big dramatic performance.

The menace and charm are all played in Denzel's eyes. In fact, much of Denzel's Frank Lucas is in his eyes. There are scenes where that steely gaze could kill whoever it falls upon. There are other scenes, ones with his mother played by Ruby Dee and his wife (Lymari Nadal), where those eyes are as soft and inviting as Denzel in The Preacher's Wife. The entire dichotomy that is Frank Lucas can be found in Denzel's electric gaze.

That is the extraordinary talent of Denzel Washington on display in American Gangster, he makes it look so easy even as he has so much going on. Some will no doubt walk away feeling like they have seen this Denzel before. Cocky and harsh but still charismatic and even charming, there are so many levels to Denzel's performance and he plays them so well that it barely registers until after you've had time to think about, after the performance has already worked on you.

Two extraordinary actors under the direction of a director at the height of his powers creates one hell of a filmgoing experience. American Gangster is the kind of epic filmmaking that so rarely lives up to its ambitions. American Gangster more than lives up to its grand ambitions. A true powerhouse of dramatic filmmaking, American Gangster is a must see for all audiences, but especially those that want to see the movie that will be featured on Oscar night come March.

Movie Review Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York (2002) 

Directed by Martin Scorsese 

Written by Jay Cocks, Steven Zaillian, Kenneth Lonergan 

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day Lewis, Cameron Diaz, John C Reilly, Jim Broadbent 

Release Date December 20th, 2002 

Published December 18th, 2002 

The argument rages on as to who our greatest living director is. Certainly an argument can be made that there is no more popular and well known filmmaker than Steven Spielberg. The quality of Spielberg's work is impeccable. But when you talk about artistry in filmmaking and storytelling there is none more talented than Martin Scorsese. Though some may argue his work is too “East Coast,” that it lacks mainstream appeal and thus is not popular, the man' artistry is too great to deny. Scorsese's latest work, though again very “East Coast,” is nonetheless another work of stunning artistry.

Gangs Of New York is not just the story of its lead characters, Bill "The Butcher" Cutter (Daniel Day Lewis) and Amsterdam Vallon (Leonardo DiCaprio). It's also the story of our country and how it was forged in the blood and sweat of immigrants. It's a history that many don't like to reflect on. A history of incivility and murder, of prejudice and inhumanity. This is no wondrous tale of how Lincoln led the charge to freedom, it's far too honest to make a hero of anyone ,even a sacred cow like President Lincoln.

Gangs Of New York takes place on the fringe of the Civil War, in the ghetto known as Five Points where the Irish immigrants fleeing famine in their home country have established a foothold. Opposing Irish immigration is a group calling themselves The Natives led by Bill the Butcher. A vicious crime lord, The Butcher's hatred of the immigrants leads to a showdown in 1846 that would decide control of Five Points. Leading the immigrants is a man known as Priest Vallon (Liam Neeson). Though not a real Priest, he wears a collar and carries a staff with a cross on it which he uses as a weapon.

In this opening showdown Priest is killed by The Butcher, who claims control of Five Points. Witnessing the bloody carnage from the sidelines, young Amsterdam Vallon witnesses his father’s murder and vows revenge on The Butcher. Amsterdam is taken away from Five Points and sent to a prison school called Hell's Gate until he is of age. Years later Amsterdam returns to Five Points to claim his revenge.

Amsterdam is quick to find that the neighborhood has changed a lot and The Butcher is still in control. In fact he is now now more than just a vicious thug, The Butcher has made inroads in politics, buying the freedom of his syndicate through his relationship with New York's political leader Boss Tweed (Jim Broadbent). Killing The Butcher will not be easy, so Amsterdam schemes his way into The Butcher's inner circle with the help of a friend named Johnny (Henry Thomas). Once in close contact with the butcher however Amsterdam is nearly seduced by his charm and honor. 

There is no doubt that The Butcher is a cold blooded killer but he is also an honorable fighter who has, ever since the great gang battle of 1846, honored the memory of Amsterdam's father with a massive celebration. The butcher is unaware of Amsterdam's identity until Johnny, jealous of Amsterdam's relationship with a lovely pick pocket, Jenny Everdeane (Cameron Diaz), tells Bill the truth and nearly gets Amsterdam killed.

In a scene of incredible staging, Amsterdam makes an attempt on The Butcher's life during the celebration of his father’s death. He fails, but The Butcher, now aware of Amsterdam's true identity, shows mercy on Amsterdam and allows him to walk out, but not before scarring his face with a hot blade. This leads to the film’s climactic street fight between the immigrants and the natives. A combination of civility and brutality, which begins with a meeting between the gangs to decide on rules, weapons and a date and time for the fight.

How historically accurate is Gangs Of New York? Well like any Hollywood film, there will always be artistic license whether you like it or not. Scorsese has repeatedly stated his meaningful attempts at accuracy, which many see as the reason the film’s budget ballooned past the 100 million-dollar mark. Indeed the costumes and cobbled streets seem to fit what is known of the era. Not many history books outside the state of New York tell the story of the 1860's such as the draft riots which lead to bloody battles in the streets between New Yorkers and union soldiers. Indeed that actually happened whether we want to remember it or not. Similarly, people would like to forget the corruption and violence of 5 Points and the Gangs of New York. 

History lesson or not, Gangs Of New York is an enthralling tale told by a master storyteller. Scorsese is in complete control and the passion he clearly has for this material, which he has wanted to film for 20 plus years, is expressed remarkably on the screen. The Oscar buzz surrounding the performance of Daniel Day Lewis is more than justified. Lewis' Butcher is a seductive villain, charming and cunning. Even Amsterdam, who has for years thought only of killing him, is briefly seduced by him because despite his evil, he has honor and lives by a code of the streets that is long gone.

But while everyone praises Daniel Day Lewis these days, I would like to call attention to DiCaprio who makes a real statement in this film. DiCaprio has grown up and though he still carries many teenybopper fans who swoon at his every word, we critics can no longer write him off as a guy who trades on his good looks. In Gangs Of New York, DiCaprio steps up to the big time and now must be taken seriously as an actor of depth.

Gangs Of New York is epic filmmaking in every way possible. It has scope and scale but not at the expense of character development and scripting. The production value and performances and script all come together under the craftsmanly eye of Scorsese who makes yet another masterpiece. If Scorsese doesn't win best director this time around there is something very wrong with the world. Gangs Of New York is one of the best films of the year.

Movie Review The Monkey

The Monkey  Directed by Osgood Perkins  Written by Osgood Perkins  Starring Theo James, Tatiana Maslany, Christian Convery  Release Date Feb...