Movie Review Human Resources

Human Resources (2022) 

Directed by Braden Swope 

Written by Braden Swope, Evan Swope 

Starring Hugh McCrae Jr, Anthony Candell, Sara Jose, Tim Masuradze 

Release Date January 10th, 2023 

Published January 3rd, 2023 

Human Resources opens on a terrific piece of visual filmmaking. With a very low budget, director Evan Swope knows that he needs to set the tone for his movie without the bells and whistles of a big production. So, he relies on the most basic components of good filmmaking: sound design and camera work. We open inside Brooke's Hardware Store. An eerie breeze blows through the store creating an innate sense of dread. A worried yet determined employee walks into a room that is marked with signs telling him not to enter. 

Keith, the employee, goes ahead and enters. Inside, he begins to call out for someone or something. He's here to confront whatever entity has created this sense of dread at his place of work. Through a terrific sequence of camera movements, strong and fast editing choices, and tremendous sound design, we watch Keith search for, and, unfortunately, find something that ends up getting him killed. Barely a word of dialogue is spoken and yet, in less than four minutes, the premise of Human Resources is established. This business harbors a dark secret that will be uncovered as the movie plays out. 

Cut to daytime, a new employee is needed at Brooke's Hardware. The General Manager, Brian (Tim Masurdze, tells his store manager, Gene (Anthony Candell), to hire Sam Coleman (Hugh McCrae Jr). Though Sam has little work experience, and a less than impressive resume, Gene agrees, and Sam is brought on board. Once at his new place of work, Sam is trained by Sarah (Sarah Jose), a cynical, long-time employee of Brooke's Hardware who advises Sam not to let working this dead end job become his whole life. 

Together, Sam and Sarah stumble over the mystery of Keith, our opening kill victim. Keith had begun to document the creepy, odd and frightening goings on at Brooke's Hardware. Employees prior to Keith had been going missing. The store was always strangely empty, except on Black Friday when the story would be overrun with customers. Brian and Gene are very serious about Black Friday and how it keeps the entire store afloat for the whole year. If that sounds suspicious, it's intended to be. In the clever script by director Braden Swope and his brother, Ethan Swope, the suspicious elements are all cleverly employed. 

Bubbling under the surface of Human Resources is how our modern economy calls on low wage employees to dedicate themselves to work. Gene talks about culture and teamwork and builds up working a Brooke's Hardware as a calling as much as it is a job. Meanwhile, employees are paid a pittance for their time while being expected to work hard and over-deliver on their effort. Work hard for nothing in return because work itself is somehow a reward. Ugh! Human Resources takes this idea and rightly turns it into a premise for a horror movie. 

I really adored the direction of Human Resources. The smart choices, the limited exposition, it's a welcome breath of fresh air. Little dialogue is wasted in telling us the plot. Instead, the basics of filmmaking deliver important details visually. The characters interact as human beings who know and work together would, not as movie characters who must also explain to the audience what the plot is and what we should be aware of. The direction tells us far more than the script and that's the mark of good filmmaking and smart writing. 

Find my full length review at Horror.Media 

Movie Review Last Resort

Last Resort (2023) 

Directed by Jean Marc Mineo 

Written by Jean Marc Mineo 

Starring Jonathan Patrick Foo, Clayton Norcross, Alex Santi 

Release Date January 6th, 2023 

Published January 2nd, 2023 

Last Resort is not going to be mistaken for a good movie. That said, as a throwback to the kind of terrible movie that was prominent in the 1980s, a bloody, B-movie action flick, Last Resort has a particular charm to it. Jonathan Patrick Foo as Michael, a mercenary living in Thailand and on the brink of divorce from his put-upon wife. We don't know he's a mercenary when we first meet him, only that he lays on the couch watching cartoons all day. 

We will learn that Michael was a particularly vicious mercenary when his wife and daughter end up part of a hostage situation inside of a bank. Michael's mercenary mentor, Cooper (Clayton Norcross), happens to be the leader of this particular group of bank robbers/terrorists. He's after some kind of deadly MacGuffin that is held inside the bank for reasons that are left unclear. Of course, it doesn't matter why the thing the bad guy's need is in this bank, the point is to get Michael to the bank to kill the bad guys. 

Michael arrives and after briefly being detained by the dumbest cops, he gets himself inside the bank and starts to the killing of faceless minions. These scenes are brutally violent with bloody, bone-cracking, battles that play exactly like an 80s B-movie. The budget is low, but the sound design and fight choreography are superb in giving the fight scenes a great deal of energy and fun. The physicality and staging even manages to become suspenseful at times, not that the fate of the main character is ever in question. 

Find my full length review at Geeks.Media 


Movie Review The Pale Blue Eye

The Pale Blue Eye (2022) 

Directed by Scott Cooper

Written by Scott Cooper 

Starring Christian Bale, Harry Melling, Gillian Anderson, Lucy Boynton, Robert Duvall 

Release Date December 23rd, 2022 

Netflix Release Date January 6th, 2022 

Pale Blue Eye stars Christian Bale as Detective Augustus Landor. Detective Landor lives in upstate New York, not far from the famed campus of the West Point Military Academy. It's 1830 and as we join the story, Detective Landor has received guests at his cottage. The visitor is Captain Hitchcock (Simon McBurney) and he has distressing news. There has been a murder on the campus and the leadership at West Point, headed up by Superintendent Player (Tim Spall) wishes to hire Landor to investigate. 

At the scene of the crime a West Point cadet is hanging from a tree. One might assume a suicide but one important detail removes that possibility. The young victims heart has been cut from his chest. Stranger still, a young cadet who found the body claimed that the body had been hanging there when he arrived but the victim's heart hadn't yet been removed. Landor accepts the job of investigating the death and sets to work with minor aid from a West Point physician, Dr. Daniel Marquis (Toby Jones) who performs a perfunctory autopsy. 

The case takes a strange detour when Landor meets an odd young cadet named E.A Poe, Edgar Allan Poe (Harry Melling). The awkward and melancholy Poe has a theory that the murderer must be a poet as the cutting out of the heart could only be symbolic. Landor is dubious about Poe's theory but keeps the young man around, hiring him as a junior investigator. It will be Poe's task to do the investigating that Landor cannot do himself, get close to the cadets who knew the victim, and report back to Landor. 

This leads to a surprising supernatural connection to the death that brings Landor in contact with an old friend. An almost unrecognizable Robert Duvall plays Jean-Pepe, a Professor with a taste for the supernatural and the macabre. He theorizes that the taking of the heart and an occult symbol found in a barn near the murder may indicate a ritual killing, an attempt by someone to communicate with the dead via a sacrifice and a human heart. 

Meanwhile, Poe begins to fall in love. Lucy Boynton stars as Lea, the daughter of Dr. Marquis, and Dr Marquis's imperious wife, Julia (Gillian Anderson). Lea has a disease that is slowly killing her but that doesn't stop Poe from falling deeply in love with her. This came as he investigated Dr. Marquis' son, Artemus (Harry Lawley) who appears to have connections to the supernatural. The Marquis Family, Poe and Detective Landor are all at the center of the mystery at the heart of Pale Blue Eye. 

Pale Blue Eye is not based on a real story. Rather, it's based on a legend that Edgar Allen Poe helped to spread around the time he began his famed writing career. It's a story that Writer-Director Scott Cooper has been eager to tell since he broke through with his debut feature, Crazy Heart. You can sense the care Cooper is taking to tell this story and he is a skilled storyteller. That said, Pale Blue Eye doesn't quite live up to Cooper's passionate presentation. 

The film is absorbing and the mystery is quite intriguing. That said, the final act of Pale Blue Eye goes just a step too far. A bizarre twist unfolds that makes you look back at the rest of the movie with confusion. Character decisions that seemed logical earlier in the story become weirdly questionable after the twist is revealed and since the twist isn't satisfying enough on its own  to justify all that it corrupts in the rest of the telling of the story. 

Christian Bale cuts a strong figure as Detective Landor. His chemistry with Harry Melling's Poe is the strongest aspect of Pale Blue Eye. The amused way Landor takes in the oddball Poe is quite entertaining and Melling's broad theatrical performance bounces wonderfully off of Bale's more naturalistic performance. Melling might be overly broad if not for the way Bale's Landor grounds him and makes him appear more human, drawing him out from his theatricality toward more genuine, honest moments. t's a good dynamic. 

Find my full length review at Geeks.Media 

Movie Review Candy land

Candy Land (2023) 

Directed by John Swab 

Written by John Swab

Starring Olivia Luccardi, William Baldwin, Sam Quartin, Owen Campbell, Eden Brolin

Release date January 6th, 2023 

Published January 2nd, 2023 

Candy Land is a nasty, gritty, sexy horror movie about sex workers at a southern truck stop who meet a young woman named Remy (Olivia Luccardi), after she has either escaped from or been turned away from the religious cult she was with. Taking her in, they become her friends and, eventually, they initiate her into sex work. Little do they know that Remy is more dangerous than she looks. The mousy former cult member carries with her a cross with a deep dark secret related to her past and the cult from which she's supposedly escaped. 

Among our characters is Sadie (Sam Quartin), Sadies' girlfriend, Liv (Virginia Rand), Riley (Eden Brolin) and Levi (Owen Campbell), a gay for pay sex worker. Helping the younger women with a place to stay and frequent customers is Nora (Guinivere Turner), a relatively kindhearted version of a pimp. Rounding out the cast is Sheriff Rex (William Baldwin) who looks the other way as the sex workers ply their trade. In exchange, he spends time with Levi whom he has become deeply enamored. 

Once Remy becomes part of their crew people start dying. First is a random John who is found in the men's room with an eye cut out and his arms posed over his chest. Soon after, another customer, a trucker is killed. And then we get to the main cast, one of whom finds Remy cleaning her knife in the ladies room. Remy kills them to keep her murders quiet and then kills another random woman who comes in and that murder provides her with a cover story, this rando killed our friend, by Remy's estimation

Read my full length review at Horror.Media 

Movie Review Scare Package 2: Rad Chad's Revenge

Scare Package 2: Rad Chad's Revenge 

Directed by Aaron B. Koontz

Written by Anthology 

Starring Zoe Graham, Jeremy King, Rich Sommer, Shakira Ja'nai Paye

Release Date December 22nd, 2022

Scare Package 2: Rad Chad's Revenge is an anthology horror comedy that takes the framing device of a Saw movie and uses it as a hanger for a series of short films deconstructing horror tropes. Overseen by director Aaron B. Koontz, it's a chaotic package of hits and misses, good ideas and bad ideas, and, most importantly, wildly inventive strangeness. There is a particular charm to the low budget aesthetic, one that painstakingly recalls 80s horror movies, and Saw, of course, and that charm worked on me, for the most part. 

A group of friends has gathered for the funeral of the late, great Rad Chad (Jeremy Buckley), horror movie lover and video store owner. Chad died from having a demon nearly explode his face with a punch. His funeral is attended by the 'Final Girl' of the original Scare Package, Jessie (Zoe Graham), her new girlfriend, Kimmie (Shakira Ja'Nai Paye), and Jessie's mother (Kelly Maroney), and several other faces familiar from the previous Scare Package film. 

In the midst of the mourning of Rad Chad, the guests find themselves incapacitated by gas and kidnapped. Trapped in some eerie basement, the group finds out via exposition video tape that they are to be part of Rad Chad's game of death. Much like a Saw movie trap, they've all been poisoned and must look for clues, escape room style to find the cure. But first, the must watch a short horror movie which may or may not contain clues for their survival. 

Click here for my review at Horror.Media 

Movie Review Women Talking

Women Talking (2022) 

Directed by Sarah Polley 

Written by Sarah Polley 

Starring Jessie Buckley, Claire Foy, Frances McDormand, Rooney Mara, Ben Whishaw 

Release Date December 23rd, 2022 

Published December 22nd, 2022

Women Talking is directed by Sarah Polley with a script Polley adapted from a book by Marion Toews. The story is set inside a cloistered Mennonite community in 2010. After having endured sexual and physical abuse from the men in their colony for years, the newest assault has the women of the community questioning what to do to stop this from happening again. 8 women are assigned the task of determining what must be done, either staying and fighting the men or leaving and never returning, risking what they've been raised to believe would be God's wrath, eternal damnation. 

Regardless of the risks involved, a decision must be made and over the course of Women Talking we here the reasoning behind what must be done, staying and fighting or leaving. Each comes with its own peril. Fighting the men is going to be violent and result in grave harm or perhaps death. Leaving meanwhile, risks losing a place in the kingdom of heaven plus the fact that the women have no idea where they will go if they leave. 

That last bit is critical but you have to think about it for yourself. A less talked about aspect of abuse is economic or circumstantial abuse. This is abuse that occurs when one partner renders another partner helpless via their circumstances, physical, financial, et cetera. Essentially, because these women are cut off from the outside world, cut off from resources, they are left with no choice but to rely on their male partners. Leaving is a possibility but it comes with a grave uncertainty as to where to go and what will happen next. 

Add to that fact that these are women with small children or elderly women who've spent their whole lives in this community and it dawns on you just how massive this decision these women are making truly is. The competing emotions of anger, resentment, fear, uncertainty, the desire to be free of abuse and the years of indoctrinated servitude, these women are doing far more than just talking, they are facing a monolithic challenge. 

Among the eight women chosen to make this impossible decision are Ona (Rooney Mara), a rape survivor who became pregnant from her assault. Salome (Claire Foy), also a recent survivor who is eager to stay and fight. Mariche, a mother of several children who has suffered repeated abuse from her husband. Mariche wants to stay and cope with the problems though her coping seems to involve changing absolutely nothing about their circumstances. 

Movie Review The Old Town Girls

The Old Town Girls (2022) 

Directed by Shen Yu 

Written by Yujie Qiu, Shen Yu 

Starring Regina Wan, Li Gengxi, Jue Hwang

Release Date December 23rd, 2022 

Published December 22nd, 2022 

The Old Town Girls begins in a disjointed note. Co-writer and Director Shen Yu throws you immediately into chaos. Three adults are searching for two missing teenage daughters. One insists that they need to find the supposed kidnappers of their daughters to deliver a large ransom. One of the father's decides that waiting around isn't worth it and decides they should go to the police. At the police station with the intent of filing a missing persons report. That's when everything breaks down and suddenly we are thrown back in time. 

With little in the way of context clues we must determine that we are now a few weeks in the past, prior to the events of the opening scene. The two young women who are missing in the opening scene, presumed kidnapped, are High Schoolers and loosely they are friends. Shu Qing (Li Gengxi) is a desperately shy young woman, an outcast both at school and at home. In a heartbreaking scene, we watch as she arrives to her modest home only to be told by her step-mother that she needs to stay out while grandparents are there. Shu Qing is not there granddaughter and they don't want to dine with a stranger. Ouch. 

Classic Movie Review Dream Lover

Dream Lover (1994)  Directed by Nicholas Kazan Written by Nicholas Kazan Starring James Spader, Madchen Amick, Bess Armstrong, Larry Miller ...