Movie Review Friday After Next

Friday After Next (2002) 

Directed by Marcus Raboy 

Written by Ice Cube

Starring Ice Cube, Mike Epps, John Witherspoon, Don D.C Curry, Katt Williams 

Release Date November 22nd, 2002 

Published November 25th, 2007 

For all the talk about how great Eminem is, people lose track of the man who paved the road Em is now traveling. In 1991, an L.A rapper took an acting role. Mind you, not an easy role, but a serious dramatic role in the inner-city drama Boyz In The Hood. Ice Cube in the role of Doughboy showed real depth and emotion and brought real experience to a character that would have seemed inauthentic if played by anyone else. Cube had every opportunity to take the easy road. He could have played the same gangsta roles and picked up bigger paychecks, but instead he chose to go out on his own and by 1996, he was writing his own movies.

After several stops and starts Cube finished a script for an urban comedy simply based on real life in South Central Los Angeles. Friday was a raunchy comedy, in the vein of Cheech & Chong. Most memorable for launching the career of Cube's co-star Chris Tucker, no one would have imagined that Friday could inspire two sequels. Now with the release of Friday After Next, could a third sequel be far off?

As we rejoin Craig (Ice Cube) and his cousin Day Day (Mike Epps), it's the day before Christmas and as they sleep their apartment is being robbed by a guy dressed as Santa Claus. Craig wakes up to find Santa in the kitchen but can't stop him from getting away with all of the Christmas presents and the rent money they owe the next day. Craig and Day Day wouldn't worry about the rent so much, except that the landlady (Bebe Drake) has a son named Damon (Terry Crews) who is fresh from prison and ready to extract rent from any tenant unwilling to pay. In one of the movie’s many low points it is revealed that Damon has an affinity for prison sex, if you know what I mean. Craig and Day Day's only hope for avoiding a date with Damon is their new jobs as security guards at a strip mall, where their fathers have just opened a rib joint.

While Craig just wants to get through the day and get paid, Day Day takes to the job a little too much leading to even more problems and another run in with Santa Claus. Among the other businesses in the strip mall is a new clothing store called Pimps & Ho's. No I'm not kidding. It's run by a pimp named Money Mike (Katt Williams in the film’s funniest performance) and his 'Ho,' Donna (the unbelievably gorgeous K.D Aubert).

All of the film leads up to a Christmas party at Craig and Day Day's apartment that they use to raise the rent money and where Money Mike has an unwanted meeting with Damon. Of course, there is one more run in with Santa Claus and a chase scene that provides the film’s funniest moments. Unfortunately, it isn't until the end that the film picks up steam and provides the few chuckles of the entire film. Until the end, it's mostly unfunny stereotypes and misogyny. Throw in a little gay bashing and you have a comedy that is attempting to push the boundaries of political correctness but failing miserably.

I believe anything can be funny in the right context and intent, but there is nothing funny about the character of Damon threatening to force guys to have sex with him. Ice Cube's script too often falls back on the excuse that because the characters are black they can make fun of black stereotypes. The problem is that the stereotypes aren't funny. You would expect stereotypical characters to be played broadly and over the top but too often on Friday After Next, they play straight.

At some point in his career, I vaguely remember this, Mike Epps act was funny, but now it's so tiring. Epps quickly wears out his welcome in Friday After Next and his work provides the film’s lowest of low points. As for Cube, it was sad to see such a talented actor go through the motions as he does here. Even with material he wrote himself, Cube can't seem to wake up. And sadly, with the successful opening weekend box office for Friday After Next, don't be surprised to see yet another sequel. If it happens, though, I think I will take next Friday off.

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