Movie Review: Underworld Rise of the Lycans

Underworld Rise of the Lycans (2009) 

Directed by Patrick Tatopoulos

Written by Danny McBride, Dirk Blackman, Howard McCain

Starring Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy, Rhona Mitra

Release Date January 23rd, 2009 

Published January 23rd, 2009

It is somehow odd to me that I have liked each of the Underworld movies. Odd because I have managed to be surprised by how much I have liked each of these movies. From the marketing, the first two Underworld movies were about ogling Kate Beckinsale in tight black leather. Yet, watching them, I was endlessly tickled by the over the top effects and the grand screen chewing performances of Brits Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen.

In the latest addition to the franchise, Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen take front and center and once again I was surprised how good a time I had watching such a wondrously goofy sci fi exploitation flick.

The first two Underworld films set the scene, Vampires and Werewolves, at war for centuries with humans as merely a bone each wants to feast on. Each of the Underworld made reference to what happened to turn these warring factions so blisteringly against each other. Now in Rise of the Lycans we see the story fully fleshed for the first time.

You see, when Werewolves came into existence they were merely animals that were once human but incapable of accessing their human side. That changed with the birth of Lucian (Michael Sheen) a werewolf capable of reason and able to transition from wolf to man at will. 

Raised by vampires, Lucian's blood was used to create a slave class, kept in line by a collar that prevented them from going all werewolf. It was an ideal set up for the Vampires until grown up Lucian fell in love with Viktor's daughter Sonja (Rhona Mitra) and conspired with her to escape from his torturous slavery. With the aid of another Vampire, Tannis (Steven Mackintosh) attempting usurp Viktor's power, Lucian does escape and takes a number of his werewolf brethren with him.

This sets the stage for war, especially when Lucian returns for Sonja and Viktor discovers his daughter's affair.

In the tradition of the Hammer horror movies, Underworld Rise of the Lycans makes great use of a pair of brilliant english actors who bring a cache of classy talent to an otherwise B-movie conceit. Bill Nighy and Oscar nominee Michael Sheen tear into the material of Underworld Rise of the Lycans with relish and their passion for such goofball work is rousing.

Even as cheeseball effects rage around them, Nighy and Sheen keep their dignity intact and manage to raise the material to a level of respectability that only a truly talented actor could. While many would rightly expect this movie was about Rhona Mitra putting on Kate Beckinsale's tight black leather, it quickly becomes about Sheen's raging romantic angst and Nighy's screen chewing palace intrigue.

First time director Patrick Tatopoulis smartly embraces a low budget aesthetic that makes his effects look something akin to Bruce Campbell's Army of Darkness but with werewolves. The key is that Tatopoulis is aware of his low aesthete and doesn't try to hide it. He knows the effects are cheesy, he just keeps them moving fast enough so that we don't get bogged down goofing on them.

Underworld Rise of the Lycans is alot of fun. As I have said about the last two movies, who doesn't love the idea of Vampires fighting Werewolves. It's just a cool idea. Throw in a couple of brilliant brits and some camp-tastic special effects and you have all the ingredients for a good time at the movies.

I am not ashamed to say, I really had a great time watching Underworld Rise of the Lycans.

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