Documentary Review Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience

Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (2009) 

Directed by Bruce Hendricks 


Starring The Jonas Brothers, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift 

Release Date February 27th, 2009

Published February 27th, 2009 

After watching the new Jonas Brothers 3D spectacular I am curious about something. It's something that occurs in most movies or music videos featuring teen idols. It's the scene where the idols run down the street chased by a mob of screaming fans. I can't help but wonder: What would the fans do if they caught their idol? Would it turn into some kind of twisted Misery fan scenario where a girl takes the boy hero home and makes him sing in her basement forever? Or would the fans just paw the idol to death? Whatever would happen, the whole chase just doesn't seem all that well thought out.

I pondered this question for a while as I patiently endured the pop banalities of the latest pre-fab pop idols to storm our culture, The Jonas Brothers, Nick, Joe and .... um ... Kevin. Kevin. The Jonas Brothers are three charming, energetic young kids who work hard on stage even as their music doesn't work to hard on the brain.

The Brothers began life as musical prodigies until their big break on the Hannah Montana show. Soon Disney was throwing money at the brothers and their own TV specials and series at them and girls were flipping out at the sight of the brothers. All of this while they somehow managed to keep their boyish sensibilities and a chastity that has become a whole identity, the boys where purity rings and their promise to stay chaste till marriage seems more earnest commitment than marketing ploy.

That I don't suspect anything of the boys is quite something. There is no wink or nod to the Jonas's act and their success and that of Hannah Montana among others indicates that, at least for a little while, the age of irony is over. Whether that is good or bad depends on your perspective. The age of irony was fun early on but as it aged it became cynical to the point of intentional ugliness.

However, the post-irony era has its pitfalls and the Jonas's demonstrate some of them. Like an overall lack of critical thinking. Fans of the brothers are so earnestly devoted that one wonders if a cult is being formed. I realize it's likely no different than the devotion shown to previous pop idols but regardless, my creep factor was piqued by some scenes in this movie.

I wonder honestly and in my own way earnestly whether the banal, forgettable tunes of the Jonas Brothers will cripple the critical thinking of some fans and begin a pattern in them where they don't ask more of their heroes than bland pleasantries and shy good looks. Myself, I want my kid asking more of their idols.

Despite my reservations though Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience is fairly harmless. My advice to parents of Jonas fans, gather a group of parents to go to the movie and then draw straws to decide which sacrificial parent will have to actually sit through the movie while the others go for drinks or maybe see a different movie. Really, why should every parent have to suffer.

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